In John 10:10 Jesus said, “the thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” While this is a promise to followers of Jesus, some or perhaps many are not experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised. Something is blocking their ability for this promise to be a reality. We believe Biblical Counseling can help to resolve the issues that are blocking God’s children from experiencing this promise.

We praise God for the individuals who have found restoration in their marriages and continue to find freedom through our counseling ministry.

We have several men and women trained as mentors and we are blessed to see many people experience growth through these relationships. By God’s grace our counselors and mentors have logged almost 400 hours of caring for people and families within the last year.

Quote: “I remember the first time we met, I was desperate to be free from bondage and God used you mightily and I praise Him for that!... After 32 years of marriage my husband and I are experiencing for the first time what it means to be one as a married couple with God in the center of our lives. We love reading the Bible together and worshipping together. What a blessing! Praise God!” - Anonymous

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