February 21 – March 20
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Maryville Location - East Building
Pastor Trent invites you to join our Small Group Experience! This is the best way to learn more about what Small Groups at Foothills Church are all about while also connecting with other new people. Even if you have been a part of groups at other churches, not every church has the same values for groups and we would love for you to discover ours.
Small Group Experience will meet for several weeks starting February 21st. We clearly explain and model what an FC small group is. There is also the possibility that you meet new friends during this time and have a desire to be in a group with them. Finally, it ensures that you receive the earliest communication about connecting with a small group the following semester if you aren't already connected to one.
We will gather in the Gallery of the East Building. Park near the Cafe side of the building and come in through the 'E' entrance.
I need childcare?
Childcare will be provided. Please register your children so we can be prepared to care for them.
I can't attend every week?
We understand if sickness, work, or prior engagements might cause you to miss one of these weeks. But as long as you plan on attending most of these nights we would love to have you!