March 29
5:00 - 8:30pm
Maryville Location - Auditorium
Do you need a night out?
Everyone who is married knows, marriage can be challenging! Between the pace of life and the many pressures we all face, marriage can leave you feeling more like strangers than best friends. No one envisioned that on their wedding day, did they? We get it. We've all been there! But healthy couples know, sometimes you need a night out.
Marriage Conference is an environment we've created to help give you the night out that you need. At this event, you will hear from guest speaker Jeriamiah Johnston. We will also play some hilarious games, have appetizers & desserts, and experience powerful moments throughout the night.
We promise that at Marriage Conference, you are going to laugh, you are going to enjoy some good food, and you are going to be encouraged & equipped to make your marriage better! Who doesn't want that?
Register for this year's Marriage Conference! The cost is only $25 per couple and $20 per child for childcare. You can register completely online! Plus, if you are engaged, you can attend for free.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is childcare available?
Yes, childcare is available for those who need it. The cost is $20 per child and includes a pizza dinner & activities while you attend the event.
Will there be food?
Yes, we will be having appetizers and dessert!
Who will be speaking?
Jeremiah Johnston will be with us this year! To learn more about Jeremiah and his ministry click here.
I am engaged. Can I attend?
Yes! We've made it entirely free for all engaged couples.
My marriage isn't in crisis. Is this still for me?
Everyone needs a night out! So it doesn't matter if your marriage is healthy or struggling; this night is for you.
What if I have a question we didn't answer?
If you have a question we couldn't answer, please email our team at